
2015 Newest P95 mini projector mobile phone ...

2015 Newest P95 mini projector mobile phone 1080p HD 1000lm led pico projector with usb hdmi. 1/7. 4. US $93.50. 6+ pieces, extra 5% off. Price shown before tax ...

2015 Portable Pico Projector Buying Guide

2015年2月15日 — These entry-level pico projector models are designed to work in very short distances and in relatively low-light settings. Their low price and ...

AAXA P300 Pico Projector - DLP Hand

World's Brightest Battery Powered HD Projector! Best pico projector of 2015 - Engadget/The Wirecutter; Next generation 500 Lumen optical engine ...

Aaxa P4X Pico Projector

The AAXA P4-X Pico Projector features up to 125 Lumens via a high-contrast optical engine powered by Texus Instruments DLP. · The P4-X offers a high resolution ...

Acer portable projector wins 2015 iF Design Award

2015年2月25日 — Taipei, Feb. 25 (CNA) Taiwanese computer maker Acer Inc. (宏碁) said Wednesday that its C205 LED light and portable projector has won ...

Sony Announces MP

2015年9月3日 — The short-throw, pocket-sized mobile projector can display a screen size up to 120 inches, and can be used indoors and outdoors for home and ...

Sony MP-CL1 Projector

2015年10月22日 — The Sony MP-CL1, a pico projector powered by lasers, works wirelessly and never needs focusing.

微機電雷射掃描微投影技術= Laser Scan Pico

由 洪昌黎 著作 · 2011 — 並列摘要. In this article, we introduce the three primary pico-projector technologies and focus on discussing the working principle and features ...


2015NewestP95miniprojectormobilephone1080pHD1000lmledpicoprojectorwithusbhdmi.1/7.4.US$93.50.6+pieces,extra5%off.Priceshownbeforetax ...,2015年2月15日—Theseentry-levelpicoprojectormodelsaredesignedtoworkinveryshortdistancesandinrelativelylow-lightsettings.Theirlowpriceand ...,World'sBrightestBatteryPoweredHDProjector!Bestpicoprojectorof2015-Engadget/TheWirecutter;Nextgeneration500Lumenopticale...